The Rejected Cornerstone: Building on Christ’s Unshakable Foundation
Text: Acts 4:11 (NIV)
“Jesus is ‘the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’”
Imagine a group of skilled builders tasked with constructing a grand structure. They carefully sift through piles of stones, selecting the ones that appear the most stable, strong, and beautiful. As they work, they come across a stone that seems awkwardly shaped, out of place, and seemingly useless. They dismiss it without a second thought, casting it aside as unsuitable for their project.
What the builders don’t realize is that this rejected stone holds the key to the stability of the entire building. It is the cornerstone—the essential foundation that will align, support, and strengthen the entire structure. Without it, their grand design is bound to collapse, no matter how perfect the other stones may appear.
This analogy reflects the profound truth found in Acts 4:11. Jesus is described as the cornerstone that the builders rejected. The religious leaders of His time, who considered themselves the “builders” of God’s people, failed to recognize the true nature and value of Christ. They saw Him as unworthy, insignificant, and a threat to their authority, so they rejected Him. Yet, in God’s divine plan, this rejected stone became the cornerstone upon which the entire foundation of salvation would be built.
In the ancient world, the cornerstone was the most important stone in a building. It was the first stone laid, determining the position and alignment of the rest of the structure. The strength and stability of the building depended on the integrity of the cornerstone. Similarly, Jesus is the cornerstone of our faith. He is the foundation upon which the church, the body of believers, is built, aligning and guiding us in our spiritual journey.
The rejection of Christ didn’t diminish His importance. In fact, it fulfilled God’s sovereign plan. What the world saw as worthless, God saw as indispensable. And isn’t that true in our lives as well? There are times when we, like the builders in the analogy, fail to recognize the significance of Christ’s role in our lives. We may pursue our own plans, relying on our abilities and resources, only to find that without Jesus as the cornerstone, everything begins to crumble.
To build a life that withstands the pressures and trials of this world, we must ensure that Christ is our cornerstone. Every decision, every action, and every relationship must be aligned with Him. Without Jesus as the foundation, no amount of worldly success, wisdom, or strength can support us in the long run. He is the unshakable rock upon which we stand, the one who gives stability to our lives.
As we reflect on Acts 4:11, may we learn from the rejected stone and build our lives on Christ, the cornerstone of eternal hope and salvation.
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