Sunday School Story: The Tale of Sammy the Proud Sparrow

Theme: Humility is the fear of the Lord, bringing blessings of riches, honor, and life.
Scripture: “Humility is the fear of the LORD; its wages are riches and honor and life.” — Proverbs 22:4

Once upon a time, in a small, cheerful forest, there lived a sparrow named Sammy. Sammy was no ordinary sparrow—at least that’s what he thought. He was proud of his shiny feathers, his high-flying skills, and the way his chirp echoed through the forest.

One day, the forest animals gathered near the big oak tree to hear the wise old owl share a message. “Friends,” said the owl, “the Creator values humility. Those who honor Him with humble hearts are truly blessed.”

Sammy, puffing out his chest, chirped loudly, “Humility? That’s for weak animals. I’m the best flyer in the forest! I don’t need to be humble.”

The animals whispered among themselves, but the owl gently said, “Sammy, remember: pride comes before a fall.”

Sammy laughed. “Not me! I’m too good to fall.”

The Competition

A few days later, a flying contest was announced in the forest. The eagle, the fastest and strongest bird, challenged everyone to a race. “Whoever wins,” said the eagle, “will be crowned the Forest Champion!”

Sammy couldn’t resist. He flapped his wings excitedly. “This is my chance to show everyone how amazing I am!”

On the day of the race, all the birds gathered at the starting line. The owl reminded everyone, “Fly your best, but remember, humility is greater than pride.” Sammy rolled his eyes.

As the race began, Sammy zoomed ahead of the others. “I’ll win easily!” he thought. But Sammy didn’t notice the strong wind blowing through the forest. Suddenly, a gust knocked him off course, sending him spiraling into a thorn bush.

“Ouch!” Sammy cried, his wings tangled in the thorns. The other birds flew past him, including a little dove who had been flying humbly and steadily.

The Lesson

Later, as Sammy sat by the stream nursing his wounds, the dove landed beside him. “Are you okay, Sammy?”

Sammy sighed. “I thought I didn’t need humility, but now I see I was wrong. My pride made me careless.”

The dove smiled. “The Creator values humble hearts, Sammy. It’s not about being the best; it’s about honoring Him and helping others.”

Sammy thought for a moment. “From now on, I’ll try to be humble and listen to wise advice.”

That evening, Sammy apologized to the owl and the other animals. “I’ve learned that humility isn’t weakness. It’s about trusting the Creator and respecting others.”

The wise owl nodded. “Sammy, when you honor the Lord with humility, He blesses you with true riches, honor, and life.”

The Moral

Sammy learned that pride may bring temporary success, but true blessings come from humility and reverence for God.

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