Seeking Gospel Harmony: A Prayer for Unity
Almighty God, Lord of Heaven and Earth, we come before You seeking unity among Your people. For Your Word tells us, “How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!” (Psalm 133:1).
We pray that You will bind us together with cords of love and peace. May we be “one body and one Spirit…called to one hope” (Ephesians 4:4). Tear down the dividing walls of hostility that separate us (Ephesians 2:14) and help us to live in harmony with one another (Romans 12:16).
As Your Son Jesus prayed for His disciples, we also pray “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you” (John 17:21). By Your Spirit, unite our minds in Christ (Philippians 2:2) so that with one mind and one voice we may glorify You (Romans 15:6).
Forgive us for the divisions, quarrels, and conflicts that have torn us apart. By the power of Your love, heal our brokenness and restore the unity You desire for Your church. We ask this in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace, amen.
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