bible study group

Bible Study: The Book of Philemon

Objective: To understand the themes of forgiveness, reconciliation, and Christian fellowship as presented in the book of Philemon.


  • Brief overview of the book: The letter to Philemon is one of the shortest books in the New Testament, authored by Paul while he was in prison. It addresses Philemon, a Christian leader, about his runaway slave, Onesimus.


  1. Opening Prayer
  2. Reading the Text: Philemon 1-25
  3. Discussion Questions
  4. Key Themes and Lessons
  5. Application to Daily Life
  6. Closing Prayer

1. Opening Prayer

Start with a prayer asking for wisdom and understanding as you study the letter to Philemon.

2. Reading the Text: Philemon 1-25

Have someone read the entire book of Philemon aloud. It’s a single chapter with 25 verses, so it can be read in one sitting.

3. Discussion Questions

  • Verses 1-7:
    1. How does Paul describe his relationship with Philemon?
    2. What qualities does Paul praise in Philemon?
    3. How does this introduction set the tone for the rest of the letter?
  • Verses 8-16: 4. What request does Paul make on behalf of Onesimus? 5. How does Paul describe Onesimus’s transformation? 6. What does Paul mean by saying Onesimus was “useless” but now is “useful”?
  • Verses 17-22: 7. How does Paul appeal to Philemon’s sense of Christian duty and fellowship? 8. Why does Paul offer to repay any debt Onesimus owes? 9. What does this say about Paul’s character and his relationship with Philemon and Onesimus?
  • Verses 23-25: 10. How does Paul conclude his letter? 11. What significance do the final greetings have in the context of the letter?

4. Key Themes and Lessons

  • Forgiveness: Paul’s letter highlights the importance of forgiving others, especially within the Christian community. Discuss how Philemon is encouraged to forgive Onesimus.
  • Reconciliation: The letter is a powerful example of reconciliation between estranged individuals. Reflect on the role of mediation and peacemaking in resolving conflicts.
  • Christian Fellowship: Paul emphasizes the bonds of Christian fellowship, urging Philemon to see Onesimus not as a slave but as a brother in Christ.

5. Application to Daily Life

  • Personal Reflection: Encourage participants to think about relationships in their own lives that might need forgiveness or reconciliation.
  • Community Impact: Discuss how these themes can be applied within the church community to foster unity and support.
  • Practical Steps: Identify concrete steps individuals can take to promote forgiveness and reconciliation in their personal and communal relationships.

6. Closing Prayer

Conclude the study with a prayer asking for God’s help in applying the lessons learned from Philemon to your lives, particularly in areas of forgiveness and reconciliation.

Additional Notes:

  • Encourage participants to read the book of Philemon again on their own and meditate on the themes discussed.
  • Consider pairing this study with a practical service project or community-building activity that reinforces the message of reconciliation and fellowship.

By following this structure, participants should gain a deeper understanding of the book of Philemon and its relevance to their lives today.

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