the ark and the covenant

Bible Study Guide: The Ark and the Tabernacle

The Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle are central elements in the worship and religious life of Israel as described in the Old Testament. They symbolize God’s presence, His covenant with His people, and the foreshadowing of Christ’s work and presence among believers. This study guide will explore the significance of the Ark and the Tabernacle, their construction, symbolism, and how they relate to the New Testament teachings.

Session 1: The Ark of the Covenant

Objective: Understand the significance of the Ark of the Covenant and its role in the life of Israel.

Scripture Reading:

  • Exodus 25:10-22
  • Hebrews 9:1-5

Discussion Questions:

  1. Construction and Contents:
    • Describe the materials and dimensions of the Ark (Exodus 25:10–22).
    • What items were placed inside the Ark? (Hebrews 9:4)
  2. The Mercy Seat:
  3. God’s Presence:
    • How was the Ark a symbol of God’s presence with His people? (Numbers 10:33–36, Joshua 3:3–4)
    • What events in Israel’s history highlight the importance of the Ark? (1 Samuel 4:3–7:2, 2 Samuel 6:1–15)


  • How does the presence of God with Israel through the Ark relate to the presence of God with believers today?

Prayer Focus:

  • Thank God for His presence and guidance in our lives, just as He was present with Israel through the Ark.

Session 2: The Construction of the Tabernacle

Objective: Explore the detailed construction of the Tabernacle and its furnishings.

Scripture Reading:

  • Exodus 25:1–9, 26:1-37, 40:1-38

Discussion Questions:

  1. Purpose and Instructions:
    • What was the primary purpose of the Tabernacle? (Exodus 25:8)
    • Discuss the significance of God giving specific instructions for its construction (Exodus 25:1–9).
  2. Structure and Furnishings:
    • Describe the layout and structure of the Tabernacle (Exodus 26:1-37).
    • What were the key furnishings inside the Tabernacle and their significance? (Exodus 25–27, 30:1–10)
  3. God’s Dwelling Place:
    • How did the Tabernacle serve as God’s dwelling place among His people? (Exodus 40:34-38)
    • Compare the Tabernacle as God’s dwelling place to Jesus as Emmanuel, “God with us” (Matthew 1:23).


  • Reflect on the meticulous detail God provided for the Tabernacle’s construction. What does this teach us about approaching God with reverence and worship?

Prayer Focus:

  • Pray for a deeper appreciation of God’s holiness and His desire to dwell among His people.

Session 3: The Symbolism of the Tabernacle

Objective: Understand the deeper spiritual meanings behind the elements of the Tabernacle.

Scripture Reading:

  • Exodus 27:1–8, 30:1–10
  • Hebrews 9:1-14

Discussion Questions:

  1. The Altar and Laver:
    • Discuss the significance of the bronze altar and the laver (Exodus 27:1–8, 30:17–21).
    • How do these elements symbolize purification and sacrifice?
  2. The Holy Place:
    • What are the items found in the Holy Place and their symbolic meanings? (Exodus 25:23–30, 25:31–40, 30:1–10)
    • How do the table of showbread, the lampstand, and the altar of incense point to aspects of Christ’s ministry?
  3. The Most Holy Place:
    • Describe the Most Holy Place and the significance of the veil (Exodus 26:31–35).
    • How does the tearing of the veil at Christ’s death symbolize direct access to God? (Matthew 27:50–51, Hebrews 10:19–22)


  • Consider how each part of the Tabernacle points to Christ and His work. How does this enhance your understanding of Jesus as our High Priest and Mediator?

Prayer Focus:

  • Ask God to deepen your understanding of Christ’s sacrifice and the access we have to God through Him.

Session 4: The Tabernacle and the New Covenant

Objective: Explore the fulfillment of the Tabernacle’s symbolism in the New Testament.

Scripture Reading:

  • John 1:14
  • Hebrews 8:1-6, 9:11-15

Discussion Questions:

  1. The Word Became Flesh:
    • How does John 1:14 relate to the concept of God dwelling among His people in the Tabernacle?
    • Discuss the significance of Jesus “tabernacling” among us.
  2. The New Covenant:
    • How does Hebrews 8:1–6 describe Jesus as a superior High Priest and the mediator of a better covenant?
    • What is the significance of Jesus entering the greater and more perfect Tabernacle in heaven? (Hebrews 9:11-15)
  3. Eternal Redemption:
    • How does Jesus’ once-for-all sacrifice compare to the continual sacrifices offered in the earthly Tabernacle? (Hebrews 9:12-14)
    • Reflect on the implications of Jesus securing eternal redemption for us.


  • How does understanding the Tabernacle enhance your appreciation for the New Covenant in Christ? How can this knowledge impact your daily walk with God?

Prayer Focus:

  • Thank God for the New Covenant and the eternal redemption provided through Jesus. Pray for a renewed commitment to living out this reality in your life.

Conclusion and Application

Final Reflection:

  • Reflect on the journey through the study of the Ark and the Tabernacle. How has your understanding of God’s presence, holiness, and the foreshadowing of Christ in the Old Testament deepened?
  • Consider practical ways to apply the lessons learned from this study to your worship, prayer life, and daily walk with Christ.

Group Activity:

  • Create a visual representation or model of the Tabernacle, discussing each element and its significance as you build it together. Use this as a tangible reminder of God’s plan and presence among His people.

Closing Prayer:

  • End the study with a time of prayer, thanking God for His presence throughout history and in our lives today. Pray for a deeper experience of His presence and a greater understanding of His Word.

This Bible study guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the Ark and the Tabernacle, helping believers see their significance in the broader narrative of Scripture and their fulfillment in Christ.

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